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JBL VTX S28 Dual 18″ Subwoofer Suspendable (Each)


SKU: VTX-S28 Category:


Dual 18″ Subwoofer – Suspendable
VTX series dual 18″ subwoofers employ two 2269H 18″ transducers featuring Differential Drive technology with two voice coils, two neodymium magnets and extremely high peak-to peak excursion capabilities to deliver extended very low frequency performance.
The VTX S28 can be suspended or ground-stacked and is cardioid-arrayable in either configuration for improved rear rejection. Compatible with VTX V25 suspension, S28 can be suspended at the top of V25 arrays to extend the effective low frequency line length, providing improved vertical pattern control combined with improved rear rejection when used in cardioid mode.

Alternatively, S28 arrays (cardioid or front-firing) can be suspended beside or behind V25 arrays. For theatrical sound design, S28 can be suspended in the middle of flown V25 arrays to facilitate balcony and floor coverage by allowing improved underbalcony penetration. Larger cardioid configurations are also effective where S28 is suspended or ground-stacked in multiple cardioid blocks, each block consisting of 3 enclosures (2 front-firing, 1 rear-firing).Features

Aluminum front baffles for reduced cabinet
JBL?s patented Differential Drive?
Patented JBL S.A.F.E.? Suspension System
Crown VRack DSP and Amplification
JBL HiQnet Performance Manager? System